Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.  - Virginia Woolf


With many years in the entertainment industry, I have had the opportunity to produce interesting and unique projects in the world of music and video.

As you explore the following works, you will find diversity and variety in these ventures. However, upon closer inspection, you will notice a particular theme. They are all defined with one simple word ... Creativity!

Recently, here at LaVerne Shank Films, I have kicked in to high gear with a series of short scripts and full length motion picture screenplays.

For producers or investors please e-mail me for completed scripts. For studios, I am available for writing projects exclusively or am also available for freelance writing individually or with a team. For a list of screenplays currently in development click below.

You will also find on the other links below; videos, acting experience, music and industry related retail and broadcasting projects I am either working on or have previously been involved in.